Boot camp

Today: February 09, 2025

Supportive and fun boot camp classes held across Penrith

Designer Body boot camp sessions are not only the most challenging and results-driven in Penrith – they are also the most supportive, friendly and fun.

Our boot camps are suitable for all shapes and sizes, all ages and all fitness and strength levels. You will be supported through each session by expert trainers and motivated to give your best by an atmosphere of inclusion and encouragement.

As an added bonus, our boot camp memberships also include tailored food plans. So whether you're looking to lose unwanted body fat, improve strength, tone up or increase your fitness, Designer Body can help you achieve your goals.

Interested? Try your first week of boot camp for free!

Share your fitness journey with like-minded people in a supportive and fun environment.

To make a booking, call or text Merinda on 0421 773 984 and start achieving your health and fitness goals today.